
2012.11.30Another Birthday for the Wyland

Isn't it funny?

I logged onto the site and saw mention of the anniversary of acquiring this piece in TWIhHjust like I did three years ago.

I don't get to visit with the piece very often anymore — it's hung in my daughter's bathroom since we moved into the house. Before that, it hung in the spare bedroom (my "office") of my apartment.

I ought to explain its present location. Her spacious bathroom is the second floor of an addition that was made to our home in recent years. The bathroom is the size of the living room below it, but with a vaulted ceiling. It's currently decorated in a semi-aquatic fashion — so the Wyland piece actually fits right in. It hangs on a wall sort of out of the way of actual water and traffic flow, and really does make a contribution.

But one of the things I really liked about it was how it reacted when struck by natural light. The fish really lit up and seemed to nearly fluoresce.

Besides, having it in a higher-traffic area would keep me in closer spiritual contact with my dad. I mean, I have other artifacts that help me think of him — other art of his, in fact. Succinctly, more is better.

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