
2012.05.29The Avengers

I never cared at all for Iron Man when I was growing up. I thought Superman and Spider-Man were pretty cool; I LOVED Batman. Iron Man? Meh.

A friend of mine forced me to see Iron Man 2 with her a couple of years ago. I liked Robert Downey, Jr.'s character Tony Stark. — a very quick wit, highly intelligent, sarcastic, particularly in the "I'm- the-shizznit-and-I-know-it kind of way.

Downey continues in his role as the haughty Stark in The Avengers — teamed up with The Hulk, Captain America, a costumeless Hawkeye among other characters of whom I'd not heard.

The Avengers was a fun movie. I'd been advised by friends that the set-up seems to drag on — I didn't really agree.

I am aware that The Avengers was a latter part of an inspired plan to introduce several Marvel comics superhero-based films, then have these characters join forces in a subsequent release.

In their independent releases (data source: IMDB):
  • The Hulk (2003) did 245.5MM in box office sales on an estimated $137MM budget
  • Captain America (2011) did far better with $368.6MM on an estimated $140MM budget
  • Thor (2011) pulled in just under $450MM on a $150MM budget
  • Iron Man (2008) grossed $585MM on its $140MM budget, and
  • Iron Man 2 (2010) grossed nearly $624MM on its $200MM budget
Not hard to figure out where the draw is here. (By the way, an Iron Man 3 is planned for release in 2014.)

In contrast to the single-hero movies, The Avengers has so far pulled in over $832MM on an estimated $220MM budget.

Congratulations, Marvel!

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