

I'm Voting for Elizabeth Warren on Super Tuesday

...and here's why

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)

On Super Tuesday (March 3, 2020), I'll be casting my vote for Sen. Elizabeth Warren to receive the nominiation of the Democratic Party for the 2020 presidential election.

14 of our 50 states will be holding their primaries on Super Tuesday, representing 40% of the population. 1

Recent polling on the Democratic Primary suggests Sen. Bernie Sanders is the front runner. 2  Indeed the media has not hidden their surprise about this turn of events. Some of my friends are beginning to ask themselves how they'd vote, given a choice between Sanders and former Vice President Joe Biden.

Perhaps I'm stubborn, but I'm not ready to give up on Warren. Two big things that I think she has going for her are her experience and her willingness to call "bullshit" on the antics happening in Congress.

But a third very big reason why she's earned my vote is based on recent reporting appearing in The Nation and Politico concerning Warren and Sanders' foreign policy wonks. In short, Team Warren's roots are in the establishment; Team Sanders' roots are in "activism and the alternative media." 3

But what about "Uncle Joe?" He's not my first choice here. He might be what the Democratic Party ends up with, and I guess I could get behind him. But I think Biden seems to represent going back to the previous administration. Maybe we need that now more than we need a more progressive stance, but I don't know if we can go back. I think Biden represents "Repair and reset," and I think I want more.

I'm not afraid of Sanders' Democratic Socialism; I understand what it means. A ready example: Any county sheriff's office. All cities in a county pay for the sheriff's office, and all cities benefit from the sheriff's department operations. Same is true of fire departments, trash collection, you get the idea.

But I'm a moderate. I also consider myself an independent, and I absolutely understand that the recklessness that has become the Republican Party under President Trump cannot continue. Conservativism certainly has its place, but this shit is way out of control; ergo, I'm going blue. You do you, but Sen. Warren fits the bill for me.

And when I say "you do you," it's not because I care who you like. I don't. What I care about is that you use the system to make your voice heard.

personal statement

Humor posts aside, I only seek to understand the events I describe in these posts, and to form an opinion after considering the material I've gathered. I believe we need leaders in Washington to act in the best interest of the United States as a citizen nation of the world, and who represent the interests of the people they serve above the interests of party affiliation.