
2021.01.032020 Year in Review

It's not difficult to imagine that posts about COVID-19 were far and away more plentiful than any other topic in 2020 — there were so many that I split the content into separate records by month to try to better manage them.

After COVID-19 posts, gaming, national interest, and nerd posts took top spots in the interests topics this year. In 2019, nerd posts took the top spot, and posts in the national interest topic were only half of what they were in 2020.

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I think my totals for the year sort of reflect life during the pandemic: music posts are way up (bought a new guitar and have been playing it A LOT); I read a few books this year; my gaming posts are through the roof (I really got into playing retro games like DOOM and QUAKE on my Windows 10 laptop), and I made no movies posts. Much of our world was closed this year — including, and especially, movie theaters — and so at-home activities took the spotlight.

Also telling, my food/cooking posts increased, and my whiskey posts decreased: I was cooking more for my family, and I pretty much cut out drinking. Kiddo had a really rough year, and I wanted to show her that she could depend on me to be available to her whenever she may need. Mixed drinks don't fit too well with that goal.

There's one place where I sold myself a little short: I should have made a post in the fitness topic about the swimming I was doing starting in August. In short, I figured out a sort of a swimming routine I could do in our backyard pool, and after doing it for about a month I really started seeing some changes in my physique; others noticed it, too. So I can't wait to get back in the pool in a couple of months — I figure if I could look and feel good in the couple of months I was swimming this way, imagine how I'll look and feel after doing it for an entire season! It's actually emblematic of the pandemic, though — the truth is I don't know what I would have done had we not had the pool. I was in it every day I could this past year: being in the pool (in the sun) charges up the vitamin D, which had been said to have a huge impact on how the disease affects a person.

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