Having just written about Quake because I was so happy to find Quakespasm, I thought I'd look for
a similar solution for an even older Id Software game, called "DOOM" (1993). The sequel was released
the following year. (Personally, I prefer "DOOM II" because it introduced the Super Shotgun.)
Unlike Quake, I'm unable to play the original DOOM because a legacy component from Windows 95
has since been removed from the operating system. One can download and install the dynamic link
library, but that hasn't corrected the problems in my machine.
Enter Chocolate DOOM,
a source port intending to accurately reproduce the original game experience. The latest version, 3.0.0,
was released in 2017.
Because the source code to DOOM was released years ago, it's possible that one need only download and
install Chocolate DOOM to run it install of the original game may not be necessary.
Years ago, when I was playing across a telephone line with my buddy, we had a number of .WAD files
one of them was of the Simpsons. I wonder if I could find and run those?