2012.04.06 There's an awful lot of jargon used in this line of work. My professional pages are chock full of them: "OJB", "Struts", "BPM" -- it can all be very confusing for the non-programming oriented visitor. Having said this, I don't want to expand all the acronyms, either. Recruiters who find their way to your site might be looking specifically for those acronyms (and may not know -- or care -- for what the acronym stands). ************************************************************ UPDATE (2016.10.11) I've been meaning to update this file for a while... ever since I found the abbreviation tag. Read this: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_abbr.asp The abbr tag does EXACTLY the same thing I developed below, although I'm sure the abbr tag is accounted for in screen readers and so forth where this probably isn't as friendly. If you insist on avoiding the abbr tag, read on. And I apologize for not knowing about this sooner. ************************************************************ I found a gentle way to explain the concepts without removing the jargon in a combination of CSS and plain' ol' HTML titles. ======== 1. HTML ======== The first step was to surround the term with simple HTML -- specifically, an anchor with title and class attributes. SSRS The attributes will do our heavy lifting for us. In the title attribute, place the description for the term. title="SQL Server Reporting Services" ======= 2. CSS ======= The second step is our CSS, in which I chose to do two things: change the cursor to the "help" cursor and modify the text decoration to show this is a link of a different kind. Behold the "define" class: .define { cursor:help; } a .define { text-decoration:none; //erase the original decoration } .define:hover { text-decoration:none; //display a dashed "underline" border-bottom:1px dashed; } ======================= 3. PUT IT ALL TOGETHER ======================= Finally, name the "define" class in our completed HTML: SSRS Now when your user sees your jargon, a simple mouse-over will: - Change the cursor - Reveal a dashed "underline" - Display the term's description. That should be it for now! Feel free to contact me using the site's contact form if you have questions. Feel free to use the code in your projects. A shout out in your project would be thoughtful. Also, drop me a line and let me know how you might have tweaked things to better suit your needs. Finally, I wouldn't profess to be THE expert on matters represented in my code -- so drop me a line if you have constructive suggestions, too. I'd like to hear from you! Best, halfgk Copyright 2016 halfgk.com