Last week I found myself pondering what new feature to toy with for the site. The answer I came up with was a search capability. The search form is pretty simple, and things seemed to be going smoothly - until I found that IE 7 won't let one submit a form using the enter key without some programmer mojo in there to tell it to do so. Firefox has no problem at all with triggering the button's event handler with the enter key. Today I found a great bit of code which was originally published by Janus Kamp Hansen (visit and extended upon by Microsoft MVP Darrell Norton (visit Darrell's update (I haven't seen Janus' original) is nice, but it needed only minor tweaking to reflect differences between .NET versions 1.0 and 2.0 and use of a StringBuilder object. The JavaScript contained therein remains unchanged. The code essentially lets you associate a control (such as a textbox) to a button with submit behavior. The really cool thing about this is you can wire different controls to different buttons with it. My search form is very simple - just a single textbox control for the search term, a submit button, and a pair of checkboxes with options for good measure. Darrell's C# code may be found at: Here's my take, which is in VB.NET: Public Sub SetDefaultButton(ByVal page As Page, ByVal textControl As TextBox, ByVal defaultButton As Button) Dim strFunction As String = String.Empty Dim strType As Type = GetType(String) Dim sb As New StringBuilder With sb .Append(vbCrLf & vbCrLf) .Append("" & vbCrLf) strFunction = .ToString() .Remove(0, .Length) End With ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(strType, "ForceDefaultToScript", strFunction) textControl.Attributes.Add("onkeydown", "fnTrapKD(" + defaultButton.ClientID + ",event)") 'tidy up sb = Nothing End Sub The last thing you need to do is to wire your control to your submit button. I placed my call in the Page_Load event handler, as Darrell suggested: 'wire up the enter key event handler Call SetDefaultButton(Me.Page, txtSearch, btnSubmit) ... and that's it. I tested it and found that it worked flawlessly. One note I can offer: because the button's address is passed into the function, you don't have to substitute your button's UniqueID for "btn." I spaced and figured I'd have to substitute my button's ID. That's not necessary, but reading for comprehension *is*. Best, halfgk copyright 2007